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February 24, 2008


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Maria João

Magic picture


i'm so intrigued with your photos, fabulous!
well done for covering Cure Salé, fantastic photos!
have a great sunday!


A wonderful portrait of a young man with a mysterious expression.-
You've got great photos on your blog which take me into another world.

Abraham Lincoln

Wow. This is a magnificent young man whose whole life is in front of him. Here he could pass as an instant movie star. Nice photograph.


Very nice!


Wow. This place looks super cool.
I can imagine you'd get amazing photos everywhere you go. It's that dramatic.

great job!


This is a superb portrait with elements of history and mystery. Wonderful!!


What an amazing, strong, beautiful face. Your portraiture is fabulous. I love this series. Well done.


His eyes are so beautiful. im lost in them. how do they feel about you taking there pictures?

Ann (Mobay DP)

Wonderful shot. Such a handsome face.

If you don't mind me asking, what is a Cure Sale?

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