I back and I'm trying to deal with the usual administrative things, catching up on patients charts, seeing patients, and the call at 7AM on Saturday morning from someone who has "a bit of a tummy ache" and do I think they need to take something for it?
Uh? "Who is this and what time is it?"
And a regional psychiatrist is visiting so I have to act "normal" which is challenging. I don't think that they know that I think they don't know sort of thing.
So I'm trying to get breakfast ready and get everyone up to send the kids off to school, get to work in time for a meeting and prepare for a "community assessment" with the shrink when Stefan wanders into the kitchen in his planet underwear and asks, "who made God?" He drew me a martini glass with a smirk face on it on a bookmark he made me and described it as "a very happy Mr. Martini." I'm still not sure what it means or what gave him that idea. He scarres me.
Next week; my regional medical officer comes for a visit...