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January 31, 2009 in From Peter | Permalink | Comments (5)
Amy, living the Foreign Service life in Malaysia, and I are doing a project together. Every day we post a picture, she from Kuala Lampur, me from Moscow. I think my Nikon is functioning now, but everything I've posted so far has been from my iPhone. Much easier to walk around town with. Amy is leaving KL in five months, so this project will take us through May. Check it out!
January 30, 2009 in projects | Permalink | Comments (8)
I am down to only one nurse in the clinic (I'm supposed to have 3). In our advertising for the position, I am "in the process" of hiring the only RN who applied. I knew of a physicians assistant (PA) who wanted to work so I modified the second RN position to try and accommodate her. We offered her the RN position too, only to discover bureaucracy and legal issues so I had to go push for changing the position to a PA. That means paying her more money but also, she can work in a greater capacity. I won't go into the details of all the obstacles but now in the final stages, it looks like I won and we are hiring her as a PA. Smooth talking persuader.
January 24, 2009 in From Peter | Permalink | Comments (4)
Somehow Peter's co-worker got us on the guest list for the inauguration party at the Ambassador's. I thought it was going to be just embassy worker bees, and we had to walk three miles in the snow: this is my excuse for showing up wearing jeans with a white belt and Keens. Well, this is no excuse for the white belt, except they are cool. On the way out of the embassy, we walked past the wall where the portraits of the President, Vice-President and Secretary of State hang. After seeing Bush, Cheney and Rice for so long on State Department walls, it was strange to see the wall, where the portraits normally hang, blank.
January 22, 2009 in moscow life | Permalink | Comments (12)
January 09, 2009 in moscow life | Permalink | Comments (12)
January 08, 2009 in From Peter, moscow life | Permalink | Comments (4)
Jennifer Fulbright has a nice article in the Oregonian this week about snow-shoeing at Crater Lake. Sounds dreamy. Is that James and Hesperus in the picture?
January 04, 2009 in friends in the news | Permalink | Comments (4)