I can't believe my favorite band from Niger, or the only band I know from Niger, but they are really, really good, so good I used their music for an official video I made about Niger, are playing in Santa Cruz in a few days. Crazy.
About a year ago I was riding around with my 20-something year-old niece and liked a song she had playing in her car. It was by Huckleberry Flint, a band from Humboldt County--squee! I immediately downloaded their CD based on the terrific song Wagon Wheel, which ended up being the best song on the CD, but I don't care, because I like supporting a band from Humboldt Country. Yesterday Camille and I were in Urban Outfitters and they had Wagon Wheel on their playlist. So if you don't believe me, believe Urban Outfitters, you need to download that song now.