Four kittens are a terrorist circus, rolling somersaults off each other, hanging upside from my pantleg, chasing their tails, then screaming in pain when they catch it, attacking for no reason, except being a six-week-old kitten. Now they each have a different personality, the most siamese-looking "Smokey" is very mellow and affectionate, the tabby one "the Rascal" is the first to do everything, open its eyes, eat real food, go outside, claw the furniture. He's super social, always the first one to come out and say hi, but more independent. The one with pink ears "Pinky" wants to be as crazy as the tabby one, the one with the black nose "Mignon" is the shyest, but doesn't want to be left out. Right now s/he has half a crayon in her/his mouth like a cigar and is spinning in circles. And she's the calm one.
We have a home for one of them, maybe two. The kids have two weeks off school--lots of time to watch the kitten show. As soon as they go back to school we will foist the kittens off on some unsuspecting first-grader families. Or maybe I'll have a raffle. Here's how it works: if you don't buy a ticket, you win a kitten.