Stefan and Camille are on vacation this week, so we went swimming and sat outside in the covered terrace by the pool. I felt like we were at a resort! We had lunch--whole wheat pizza bagels and oranges-- and tea.
My Life in France, the Julia Child book, is so charming, I am utterly enchanted by Julia's wonderfulness--I love reading about her beurre blanc research but more interesting is her process of becoming more deeply who she always was. Her husband's photos are dreamy.
I'm so inspired by the great pictures my friend Norma took at the Cure Salé that I asked permission to gather photos people have taken here in Niger and put together a small photo exhibit at the Embassy. I think it could be very theraputic for those of us leaving, and hopefully interesting and inspiring for those staying. And everything looks good on black background, right?
My dad is out of the hospital. That's always a good thing. Alaska2africa: Peter's sister Nina bought her plane ticket and is coming to visit. And something good is coming from Boden.
Camille can bake cookies all by herself now.

Peter's back from Ouaga, and he took some amazing photos on the road. His photo of the girl with honey--yes, that is honey, the black stuff in the plastic bottle--is over at the photo-a-day blog today. Of the 500 Daily City Photo Blogs the Niger photo-a-day blog is the 10th most popular. I'm happy people like it, and I'm happy for Niger to be 10th in something positive.